Monday, 15 September 2014

Research & Planning: Treatment

The concept of our music video involves an artistic and abstract approach. We will have two locations in which the progression of the music video will flick back and forth between these two diverse settings. Through the use of two urban and shady lit atmospheres portrayed by the dark, low ceiling tunnel and the dark studio, we have a chance of achieving this distinctive, dusky yet artistic mood and feeling of the song. By using a variety of items that are evidently mentioned in the lyrics such as "Turn away and kick out the red sand" or "Black rose, dusty roads and a fire" we can make clear matches and links between the visuals and lyrics. Close up shots of our artist are vital in order to create a personal interaction between the artist and the audience, also emphasising the emotions. We also aim to be creative and use alternative objects which are not mentioned in the lyrics but connote to the dark, indie and edgy atmosphere of the song by involving the element of glass being smashed in the air or along the floor, adding to the dynamics. Due to the majority of London Grammar's music videos being based on this sort of concept involving a black and white effect, our production would like to involve a similar approach. However, in order to create individuality among their current music videos, we plan to have aspects of the video in colour; for example, the rose may be in colour while everything else is in a black and white format.

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